
Tailored to you.

Whether in-person or through Telehealth session, Dr. Singh’s services are dynamic and responsive to the needs of her clients. She has abundant experience working with clients of all walks of life in response to varied needs and priorities.

Dr. Singh does not practice any modality in isolation from others and does not work with clients seeking singular modalities. Instead, she consults with each client in a holistic way, in response to the clients’ goals using her wealth of experience, education, and instinct.

Dr. Singh currently works in six, distinct categories that fully capture the breadth of her offering:


Personalized Health

Dr. Singh works from an intuitive place with abundant expertise as a licensed clinician. She has the ability to energetically “tune in” using biofeedback techniques…


Dr. Singh can guide and provide support to dental patients who are undergoing various dental procedures and prefer an integrated approach…

Telephone Conversation

Many describe Dr. Singh as a walking encyclopedia, and find even short conversations with her very helpful, eye-opening and enriching. She works and thinks efficiently, and connects dots for her clients…

Therapeutic Beauty

Throughout her ongoing health journey, Dr. Singh has cultivated a thorough and multi-faceted understanding of therapeutic beauty techniques….

Education & Speaking

If you would like to bring transformational education and guidance to your team or group, please contact Dr. Singh to explore the possibilities together…

Practitioner Mentoring & Consulting

Dr. Singh is an educator at heart and wishes to support the growing network of holistic practitioners around the world. Whether ongoing mentoring or to review tough cases…
