What Clients & Colleagues are saying…

“I first started seeing Dr. Singh when I became acutely ill during COVID-19. My immune system had suddenly and completely crashed and I didn’t know what to do or who to turn to. My body was deteriorating and in shock and I wasn’t able to eat or sleep. It was terrifying. I was referred to Dr. Singh by someone in my family, so I reached out to to her in desperation.

I was amazed by her ability to immediately tune into what was happening to my body and provide exactly what I needed to put me on a path to healing and wholeness. She has worked with me holistically and has also been able to help me emotionally and mentally through a very challenging and critical time in my life.

My health has dramatically improved since I’ve been working with Dr. Singh. Throughout my care with her over the last six months, I have been amazed by her ability to continue to understand my unique needs and fine tune recommendations to keep my body and mind healthy and balanced.

She has been able to help me with digestive issues, joint pain, insomnia, low energy, and boost my immunity. I now feel balanced, whole and energized. I am able to sleep well and enjoy my life fully. Dr. Singh is truly gifted!

My husband witnessed firsthand how Dr. Singh was able to have such a profoundly positive impact on my life, and so he recently became her client as well. He is a very busy professional and very healthy, but he was wanting to seek consultation regarding ideas for maximizing his health and energy. Dr. Singh has helped him experience more energy, vitality, and balance in his daily life.

I recommend Dr. Singh to anyone who is in need of improving their health in specific ways, or generally wanting to maximize their health in order to be the very best version of themself!”

Melissa, age 50, Cincinnati, OH

“My name is Natalie and I have seen Dr. Singh on and off for the past 15 years or so. My initial complaints were allergy symptoms that no medication could touch and terrible digestive issues. I was also suffering from genetically high cholesterol which I couldn’t touch. And my eating habits were not the greatest! While seeing Dr. Singh and improving my digestive issues and other problems, I cropped up with frozen shoulder in my right arm. I couldn’t raise my arm above my head and couldn’t clasp my bra. Dr. Singh’s muscle testing techniques pointed to an allergy, and when Dr. Singh eliminated the allergy, within 2 days, I had full use of my arm with no pain and 15 years later, I am still pain free.

Dr. Singh stopped practicing for her own reasons back then, and I moved on. My health has been good and very consistent for the past few years until this past spring after the COVID breakout. I began suffering from acute tinnitus as well as having arthritis pain in my joints and some plantar fascitis issues as well as osteoporosis that had invaded my hips. I had been seeing other practitioners who just weren’t getting the results that I was looking for.

My daughter suggested that I get in touch with “that Doctor” who had fixed my frozen shoulder. So I emailed Dr. Singh and she got in touch with me right away. Because of COVID, Dr. Singh was doing online zoom appointments so we set one up.

We got my digestive issues back under control, and worked on my new issues, along with getting protocols right for regenerating bone and eliminating tinnitus.

After 2 months, I got to see Dr. Singh in person and she and I were definitely on the right track. I am feeling better than I have in a long time. My digestion is good, my sleep is fabulous, and my allergies are better.

Dr. Singh is the most caring, competent integrative health practitioner that I know. She has helped me on so many levels and I would recommend her for those of you who can’t seem to get a handle on small or large health issues. She has helped me in so many ways, I couldn’t begin to list them all. Thank you Dr. Singh. I can’t tell you how fortunate I am to have found you. A very happy and healthy client.”

Natalie N., age 64, Cincinnati, OH

“I have struggled with anxiety off and on for the last 13 years. Following a very challenging 2018, my anxiety sky-rocketed to a point of panic attacks, poor quality of sleep, and digestive issues among other things.

I was looking to work with someone who had a more holistic approach to help me cope with my struggles-- an approach that would help me with my overall wellbeing.

My counselor introduced me to Dr. Daman Singh. She was an answer to my prayers. Dr. Singh has a warm personality, a calming energy, and an approach that is not only unique in that it caters to my specific needs as an individual, but also in that it incorporates all aspects of personal well-being (physical, mental and emotional).

She was able to determine deficiencies that were adversely affecting my gut health, energy levels, mental clarity, and sleep, all of which were directly contributing to my anxiety. She put together a protocol that included natural and organic supplements as well as earthing, breathing, and meditation exercises to address my concerns effectively.

Dr. Singh is very knowledgeable and resourceful, and has incredible insight into areas of overall personal health and nutrition, which are often overlooked in conventional practices.

During a particularly challenging week, Dr. Singh made herself available on a crisis call to help alleviate symptoms and fears, which had a big impact on my wellbeing. I have learned and firmly believe that there is a direct connection between my gut health and mental health, and making the commitment to follow through on the protocol has made me a happier and healthier person.

Working with Dr. Singh has made all the difference. She is a godsend, and I feel incredibly lucky and blessed to have worked with her.”

F.R., Seattle, WA

“Dr. Singh is unbelievably talented. You won’t regret seeking her advice. I spoke to her about my fertility issues after having a myomectomy and being told by my fertility specialist that I was going though perimenopause. She really made sure she understood and  responded to all of my concerns. She works so quickly...I’m amazed at what we accomplished in a 1 hour phone call. She suggested supplements that helped me sleep and eased my other symptoms. Irritability, night sweats and depression are gone, and libido seems better. She also mentioned that I should have my prolactin levels checked. Well, it turns out that my prolactin was, in fact, high. I was taking a medication that was causing a prolactin spike and suppressing my monthly cycle! Thanks to her help, my cycles have returned to normal. So grateful for her gift!”

N.C., age 40, Dallas, TX

“I had only lived in Cincinnati for 1.5 years when I found Dr. Singh. I was born, raised, and lived my entire adult life in Southern California where, as you can imagine, there is an abundance of access to holistic practitioners. I had a long standing relationship with a wonderful chiropractor who practiced in a completely unique way: low force techniques, muscle testing, a truly holistic experience. Moving here I was looking for something similar and didn’t expect to find it. I was surprised and delighted to discover that what Dr. Singh offers is everything I was looking for AND MORE! After just three sessions I am astounded by the layers of insight and healing I have uncovered.

Even just the way Dr. Singh looks at me when I walk into her office is healing. I can tell that she sees me as whole and connected to the divine. Her goal seems to be to help me see the same. Her ability to communicate with my body and let it lead my health journey is profound. Her recommendations are gentle, generous, and completely tailored to my needs, priorities, values, and goals. I’m so appreciative of her sight into the root of an issue - and finding solutions that will be long lasting and sustainable. She is not the kind of practitioner who is going to recommend you only eat kale and drink natural spring water. She wants you to live a full, joyful life and enjoy it!

I highly recommend Dr. Singh to anyone who knows there is a greater level of health and wellbeing possible for them that they have not been able to access. Dr. Singh is the trusted guide you have been looking for. She will help you make what you seek for yourself a reality.”

Kate M., Cincinnati, OH

“I started working with Dr. Singh over a year ago. My goal was to improve my health, specifically related to my stomach, inflammation, my energy level and strengthening my immune system to deal with stress. With her guidance concerning supplements and nutrition, I began to notice improvements within a month. My stomach issues greatly improved as did my sleeping and energy levels. Dr. Singh has a very kind and calm way of interacting and I have never felt rushed. She is extremely thorough, knowledgeable and supportive. I would definitely recommend her to anyone wanting to improve their health, especially in relation to current issues one may be facing.”

V.B., age 64, San Francisco, CA


“About 3 years ago, it was found through routine bloodwork that I have Hashimoto’s.  I also have high anxiety.  I was determined to try to tackle this naturally without any meds. 

I tried multiple things through diet changes, exercise, supplements, but I still had high thyroid antibodies and occasional symptoms.  Things were getting a little better, but slowly and would at times plateau. 

I then reached out to Dr. Singh to see if she could help - she could and she did!  She was able to pinpoint specific issues and recommend the perfect supplements for me and my situation. 

A few months later, when I went back for further bloodwork, my antibodies had greatly, greatly reduced and I am still medication free.  (started at over 300 and now in 20s). My anxiety also remains in check. 

I will be forever thankful to Dr. Singh for assisting me with my health journey.  I plan to continue seeing her for check-ins to ensure I am still on the right path.  Thank you Dr. Singh!”

Jen B. age 44, Cincinnati, OH

“I was in a really good place with my health - or so I thought, when I first connected with Dr. Singh. I was an athlete most of my life but was now in a place where I was doing high intensity workouts 5-6 times a week, was happy with my weight, was eating “clean”, felt strong in my body and mind and generally felt good. In comparison to most people I know, I was doing much better than average. Dr. Singh was so supportive of me. She listened and offered easy education on the WHY behind how I was feeling and was completely supportive of my lifestyle all while sharing knowledge on other options that could enhance my health. As I approached my 39th birthday, I realized I was ready for a change and all of our conversations led me to really trust Dr. Singh and I knew she would share only what I could really benefit from and nothing more.

I felt like I’d stalled out, that my body had hit a plateau and that all the work I was putting in was not being reflected in how I felt or looked. I was feeling a little more tired and didn’t feel like my mind was quite as sharp as it used to be. I felt a bit scattered. I was also low on iron and not wanting to continue to follow my doctor’s recommendation on taking a multivitamin with iron since I didn’t feel good with it.

So, I finally said yes. Dr. Singh guided me through the changes and helped me understand all the wonderful things that I began to experience almost immediately. My sleep was deeper, the extra fluff around my midsection began to shrink, I began to feel more focused and less anxious. I noticed positive changes in my strength and stamina too.

I would highly recommend Dr. Singh. She is thoughtful, caring, knowledgable and able to educate in a way that is meaningful. I saw results right away and continue to see results.

I can’t thank you enough, Dr. Singh!”

C.H., Cincinnati, OH

“Dr. Singh is a gifted doctor, healer and educator. She embodies the values of authenticity, integrity, love and respect and is a true blessing to the Holistic Healing Arts Community.

I feel fortunate our paths have crossed and am honored to work with her. She has been an incredible resource and mentor to me over the last few years. Her expertise in functional medicine, nutrition and energy medicine has helped me deepen my knowledge of various complex and chronic health concerns. This has provided me a new profound understanding for my own practice. Through her guidance I have gained clarity and confidence to customize protocols for clients with conditions ranging from autoimmune diseases, Lyme, and hormone imbalances, just to name a few.

What I love and value the most is that her scientific background, clinical mind and big heart merges with her ability to energetically tune into each and every client. She looks at the whole human being, not merely symptoms, to prioritize and individualize protocols to unleash health and well-being. I feel very blessed to witness people’s transformations of body, mind and spirit with the help of her emphatic presence, medical intuition and clinical work.

I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone, who is seeking a wholesome and multidimensional approach to Healing to consult with Dr. Singh.”

Eva Maria D., Kaua’i, HI

“I am happy to say it has been lovely working with Dr. Daman Singh whom I had the pleasure of meeting during multiple workshops I was teaching.

She is a bright, heart-centered healer who is dedicated to not only having a large breadth of knowledge, but is committed to having depth and mastery of that knowledge too.

It makes her an exceptional practitioner with a well-equipped tool bag that supports patients who range from simply wanting to optimize their health potential to serving those whom are seriously debilitated. It is with great confidence I recommend her, a valued member of any health team.”

A.R., Seattle, WA


“I am a huge proponent of holistic and naturopathic healing, and am a healer myself. I've tried many different alternative healing modalities for various health issues over my 55 years on this planet, and many of them are quite helpful. I am more than open to trying anything that I sense will be beneficial toward rectifying a physiological malady. I am also an aneurysm rupture survivor (October 2013), and endured numerous (22 in all) surgeries to repair/restore my battered body from a horse wreck that same month.

In early 2015, I started doing Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and thought I was feeling better from it. I experienced a myriad of mood swings, anxiety, hypertension and more symptoms that weren't necessarily normal for me but I figured it was a necessary price to pay for being on an even keel since my body wasn't naturally making hormones any more. Cut to early 2019, and I finally listened to that inner voice inside screaming at me "Wake up! Pay attention! Something you're doing is not helping at all and you need to stop!".

Enter Daman Singh! She is such a profound healer, capable of getting into the intricate "nooks and crannies" that regular science just doesn't seem to be able to reach. She helped me through sequencing (variety of healing tools utilized in the process--red laser for scar tissue, whole food supplements, herbs, organic superfoods, etc) that took me half a year to get through and it has made such a profound difference in who I am today. It really was a blind faith endeavor, sticking it through. It’s not been a small thing. I knew intellectually that things needed to change, and that I needed to eat better, but willpower has no chance when dealing with stealth pathogens. So after weeding the gut the first couple months, and then seeding and feeding the good bacteria in my microbiome, along with detoxifying organs, receptor sites, and helping my own glands come back online, and helping me establish healthy habits these last couple months through a healthy lifestyle, I was able to really change my palate, stick with it successfully, and have longer term, buildable results, as opposed to continuing the "hamster wheeling and chasing" symptoms. Thanks to her insight and intuition, and my sheer dogged determination to see it through, I am now able to determine what’s good and what’s not. My sensitivity around this has returned. Before, it’s like I was in a haze with it, between incurring so much trauma, pain meds, antibiotics, HRT, and everything else...these are really incredible shifts already, and I truly could not be more thankful to her for her help on this healing journey. Daman is nothing short of miraculous and an angel here to help us all.

She’s been such a tremendous help and support (and joy) to me! I’ve also noticed that I’m more tolerant and stable when it comes to external stressors (people, behaviors, situations), I’m more relaxed and take things more in stride like I used to (more than 20 years ago), and my shoulders suddenly remember they don’t need to be hunched over as if to protect my heart from more heartache. I’m lighter-hearted, weight is coming off (not sure how much, but clothes are fitting more loosely), and more optimistic. She is such a gift to the world, and I am so blessed and grateful to have met her.

If you're at all uncertain about what ails you, I highly encourage you to seek Daman's guidance; she is quite proficient at what she does, and it’s been amazing!”

L.A., Medford, OR

“Daman is our family’s go-to healer. For my son’s pneumonia (without antibiotics), my psoriasis, and my various illnesses, my husband’s gone wrong wisdom teeth removal. This is just to name a few of the ways she has helped us heal our bodies in the most natural way. I’ve done it all over the years. I’ve done all kinds of holistic remedies, and Daman is the BEST. She helps muscle test your body, which I haven’t seen someone do with such accuracy, and so your body actually shares what it needs most, and Daman is able to translate that into amazing remedies. If you feel like allopathic medicine has let you down, or just isn’t enough, come to Daman - she’s a genius.”

Kavita J Patel & Family, Cincinnati, OH


Some testimonials from Dr. Singh’s former practice…

While Dr. Singh does not operate a traditional practice any longer, she believes in the power of Story Medicine and hopes you find healing, inspiration and hope in reading about the experiences of others. Some testimonials have been edited for length and/or clarity.

“We started seeing Dr. Singh because I was desperate to get help...she could figure out things about me by "talking" to my body, even before I even had a chance to tell her everything about past health...Since seeing her, we've been antibiotic free for years and off allergy meds completely....I felt such  a huge difference in my health (no more rubbing swollen eyes and sneezing, chronic yeast issues, stomach problems and acne). Through the stresses of life, I managed to gain some weight. With Dr. Singh’s help, I have also been able to get my weight back under control.

I feel like a different person. I can't explain enough how much Dr. Singh has changed our lives. Our overall family health has improved physically and emotionally (yes emotionally)!! Working with her can make you feel like the person you want to be! Healthy and Whole!”

M.M., age 32, Cincinnati, OH

“I came with severe depression, a weight gain of 25 pounds in just four months, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, belly fat, gluten intolerance/celiac disease, previous mercury/amalgam removal, severe blood sugar issues (hypoglycemia). I've spent the last six years going from holistic doctor and tests and detoxes resulting in thousands of dollars trying to get relief and reach a point in life where I could at least function on a daily basis and have a measure of happiness. None of the previous physicians, lab tests or holistic regimens worked on a long term basis. I would have a few weeks or months of relief, but then right back to the chronic aches and pains and moodiness. I've had MRIs, colonoscopies, diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, IBS, thyroid problems. I've suffered for the last 9 years with chronic constipation to the point where I've been dependant upon laxative teas on a weekly basis. I had developed the health and body of [an unhealthy] 70 year old.

Since working with Dr. Singh, my mood has improved remarkably. I am less moody, and I have a better outlook on life. I just feel better about myself. I'm not constantly in pain, and I'm less irritable. I lost 12 of the 25/30 pounds I gained rapidly last year and I learned and adopted a cleaner way of eating. My bowels are regular and I've had the energy to exercise multiple times a week. I don't rely on midday naps anymore. I've even tried some gluten a couple times without any side effects. Dr. Singh has been wonderful, understanding, and very kind throughout my journey of regaining my health. I excitedly refer others to Dr. Singh. Thank you Dr. Singh.”

S.N., age 35, Cincinnati, OH

“My complaints were low back and upper back pain for 14 years, tired, headaches, and 3 herniated discs in low back. I had tried physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments, yoga, pilates and still not was not able to golf.

Now, after working with Dr. Singh, I’m seldom in pain, played golf in Ireland 5 days in a row (walking) and reduced headaches due to seasonal allergies. Dr. Singh exceeded my expectations. I didn’t know how tired and not feeling well I was. I forgot what feeling “good” felt like. Results are unexpected. It doesn’t take many visits to feel better. Instead of managing the pain and avoiding certain activities, I feel like I can be pain free! And do what activity I want.”

Beth, age 38, Cincinnati, OH

“…the first appointment was so enlightening. Dr. Singh helped me see my condition differently than I had ever seen it before. Going over my life history was something I really didn't expect. The discoveries and her skills to intuit just amaze us. My eyes feel stronger. My body is healthier. My food tastes better. Life is Good. And even though I have a long way to go, I'm feeling more like a normal person everyday. Dr. Singh has helped me with ways to cope when I feel bad. She is a wonderful person and well worth the long trip to her office.”

S.W., Eastern Ohio

“I was diagnosed with interstital cystits (IC) a few years ago which causes significant pelvic pain and frequent urination. Often the only way to alleviate the pain was to get up to go to the bathroom every 15 minutes all night long, because as soon as urin hit my bladder, the pain would start up again. This would often last weeks before it would lessen to every 1 to 2 hours so sleep was really difficult Traditional medicine had no cure for this disorder, and medicine did not help or had too many side effects for me to feel comfortable taking. I followed an extremely strict diet to try to keep the bad episodes from occurring too often. The diet involved not eating most foods - not eating chocolate, cinnamon, almost all fruits, all spices and sauces, most nuts. My entire diet involved eating only bland meats and steamed vegetables. Although I strictly maintained this diet, i still would have spontaneous weeks of extreme pain and no sleep.

During one of my worst and longest episodes, and praying to God for help at one in the morning, I came across some information about someone who had IC and had been helped. That turned out to be one of the biggest blessings in my life and when I began to regain my life back. I was lucky enough to meet Dr. Singh who was so caring and compassionate. She dedicated time to seeking out causes. Over the course of a year, I was cleared for triggers to my IC. I can now eat all foods without problems. I can never thank her enough for allowing me to have a life again and investing so much time and concern with making me well.”

Jeanie, Cincinnati, OH

“First of all, I must start by saying the fact I am writing this while sitting on my patio, on a beautiful summer day 40 weeks pregnant, completely healthy is a miracle. My story begins pretty much at birth, 36 years ago. I began life with severe dairy and soy allergies making me a very sick and fussy infant. As I grew older, I developed severe seasonal allergies, which lasted year round keeping me sick with regular sinus infections, asthma and immune issues. However, I had no idea the underlying allergies and immune issues I had inherited would affect me into my adult years with trying to have a family.

My husband and I have been trying to have a child for almost 7 years with many disappointment and 3 heart breaking miscarriages. We were doing everything natural to help heal my body. I found out I had endometrisosis and polycystic ovaries, which surgery was recommended. We decided to pursue natural healing methods such as continuing regular chiropractic, nutritional testing using Standard Process protocols, acupuncture, and strict diet changes. Through these methods, my endometriosis was 80% gone and no longer had polycystic ovarian syndrome. This was amazing, however I was still very sick, and unable to get pregnant and realized all my miscarriages occurred within weeks of each other in the spring as my allergies worsened.

We then searched further for answers and found Dr. Singh... and incredible healing began to unlock. I have been able to have a wonderful, healthy pregnancy.

Thanks to Dr. Singh and her compassion, research and intuition, I am expecting a healthy baby girl any day now. Most importantly, because of healing in utero, my story will not be my child’s story.

Thank you Dr. Singh for the impact you have had on our lives and the life yet to be lived.

In deepest Gratitude,"

H.W., Columbus, OH

“I had stomach cramps after every meal and lots of gas. I “ate” a lot of GasX to subdue my symptoms. I also had severe back and body pain that I could not control. I took a lot of aspirin and glucosamine for joint pain. Also, lots of headaches. I had tried a healthy diet, tons of supplements, several body cleanses, chiropractic adjustments, psychotherapy, and “emotional work” [without resolve].

Since working with Dr. Singh, all body pain is gone—no joint pain at all and no headaches. Can eat healthy or not, and have no stomach pains. I am free from having to make sure I stay away from certain foods or carry a lot of Gas-X. Also, sleep is much improved.

Dr. Singh went above and beyond my expectations. She went out of her way to help me with emotional and physical issues. I am so grateful I found her and got my health back. It is a blessing. I cannot stop talking about this , and I am sure that there are some people around me that wish I would! HA! Keep up the great work. This is something lovely to offer anyone who is willing to give a little time and effort. A “good thing” in this changing world. I am a fan for life!”

Liz, age 66, Cincinnati, OH

“I quit weighing myself at 211 pounds. I may have weighed more than that, but I can definitely say that I weighed at least that. After seeing Dr. Singh and following her guidance, my allergies began to go away. I was diabetic and had high blood pressure, was taking 7 medications, some of which were to combat the side effects of other medications. I wanted to get off these medications, because the side effects were ruining my health. I wanted to try a more holistic approach to my health.

Under the guidance of Dr. Singh, I lost 31.5 pounds. Doctors had always told me to change my eating habits and exercise, but Dr Singh actually put me on a program and I was told exactly what to eat and not eat. In 6 weeks, I lost 14.5 pounds and went from obese to normal. My blood pressure went down.

My medical doctor said "I have never in my 40 years of practice seen anybody improve their health in 6 weeks the way you have. Tell Dr. Singh to keep up the good work." If you had told me before I met Dr. Singh that I would change like this, I would have told them they were crazy. I ate out almost all the time back then and would have a  cheeseburger, large fries, and chocolate milkshake as a typical meal. How times have changed and for the better.

I can definitely say that because of Dr. Singh, my life is much better and it keeps getting better. She not only tells you what to do , but shows you how to do it. If left on my own, I would still be obese and heading towards some really bad consequences for the way I was eating and living. I could not have done this without her. I am 65 and am just now changing the way I eat and live.

I have been to many Doctors, but she takes a personal interest in you and cares and shows you how to succeed. Thank you Dr. Singh. If you follow her advice and do what she asks, the sky is the limit. See her if you want to be more healthy. Without your health, you have nothing. Invest in your health. It is a wise investment.”

Tom, age 65, Newport, KY

“…Dr. Singh is an amazing doctor and a wonderful person. She is the reason my family is so happy and healthy now. I feel at peace knowing that she is there to help us with the speed bumps in our lives. Whenever I meet people with any sort of emotional or physical issue, I always send them her way because I know they will love her just as much as I do!”

S.H., age 34, Wilmington, OH

“I am 27 years old, but felt like I was living in the body of [an unhealthy] 80 year old. My health seemed to deteriorate some each year after I turned 22. When I was in high school, I struggled with symptoms of non-bacterial prostatitis, which progressively got worse. I went to two different urologists. I had to undergo painful procedures, which provided no relief. I stayed tired. By the age of 23, I had developed many food allergies. It became a chore figuring out what foods my body would and wouldn’t react to. Every time I ate, I felt exhausted. Headaches became the norm. My memory was starting to fade. It began to become very difficult for me to concentrate. My mind always seemed “foggy”. My joints began to ache. My intestinal tract was beginning to stop functioning properly. Sinus problems plagued me as well. I suffered from a post nasal drip. On top of this, i was starting to have an irregular heartbeat. I was beginning to feel miserable every day I woke up. I had to force myself out of bed. I never felt like I had enough energy to get up and make it through the day.

I began to try various different interventions. I tried vegetarianism. This worked for about a month then all my symptoms returned. I went to a doctor who practiced reflexology. She told me that I was allergic to wheat. So I stopped eating wheat products. This helped for a little while with managing the headaches. My memory, focus, and other symptoms started to improve for a while but after about a month, all the symptoms began to return. Next I went to a doctor who treated me using a biofeedback machine. This was very costly. Along with this treatment, I had to take many supplements. This treatment helped for a while, but after about two months, the symptoms slowly started returning one by one. I was beginning to feel hopeless and my bank account was shrinking! What was I to do?

One day, I was talking to a friend who was dealing with many of the health problems I was dealing with. She told me to look into Dr. Singh. I scheduled with her, and began to feel better.

The headaches stopped. The irregular heartbeat stopped. I could eat foods again that I hadn’t been able to eat in over a year, and my mental focus started to improve again. My joints have started to stop aching. My digestive system is much better. The prostatitis has improved very much. My sinuses are better, and I have more energy. It is not as hard for me to get up in the morning now. 

I was expecting for some of these symptoms to return in about two months after starting with Dr. Singh. To my surprise, my health is steadily improving. No form of health care is guaranteed. However, I can speak for myself and say Dr. Singh has truly improved my health.”

A.R., Dayton, OH

“My initial complaint was a patch of skin on my eyelid and cheek. It was red, flaky and would swell and itch. After visiting the dermatologist, I discovered it was a common problem. It was an allergic reaction but the doctor stated there was no way to uncover the allergen. It could be a short-term or long-term problem. I received a $40 prescription for less than an ounce of ointment. The ointment worked but the problem was never cured. I didn’t like the idea of long-term use of a medication.

After hearing of Dr. Singh from a friend, I decided to consult with her about the skin irritation. She was confident she could help. Not only could she help with that one issue, she also could help with my stress levels, brain fog, fatigue, sleeping issues, and bowel discomfort, among other complaints.

Dr Singh has truly changed my life. My brain fog cleared right away. A couple weeks later, my husband noticed my calmness and ability to handle stressful situations at home and work! The results continued. I feel like I am able to be a better partner, parent and person. Dr. Singh takes her practice and [clients] seriously. This is obvious in her work outside the office and the compassion she shows her [clients].”

Angela, age 45, Cincinnati, OH

“I came in with migraines and severe nausea that had been going on for nine months. My illness was so severe, I couldn’t work or care for my child. I had seen my medical doctor, neurologists, had MRIs, CT scan, lots of blood work and no answers. I was prescribed lots of medicine and nothing was working. I had just about given up and accepted that this was my life, and I wasn’t getting better. Dr. Singh helped me and has given me a new self awareness towards my body. The self awareness has impacted my life by eating better foods that will ensure health. My mind has achieved a sense of peace by eating better. I would recommend her to anyone that is suffering from chronic pain.  I was sick for 9 months, and have been well for 5 months now. Working with Dr. Singh has changed my life.”

N.K., age 35, Cincinnati, OH

“My name is Debbie. I'm a 55 year old elementary school teacher. I've seen many alternative health practitioners and tried many kinds of therapy over those years. At one point, I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. I had the amalgams removed from my teeth. That helped and I felt better for a few months. I ate mostly organics, drank only purified water, and took high quality vitamins. Often the vitamins made me feel more ill. I attempted to live in the healthiest manner I could, yet I was often tired, had foggy thinking, aching joints and many sensitivities.My health and energy level has gone up and down over the years. Prior to coming, I was feeling very tired, irritable and negative. It was difficult to relaxed. I felt stressed even when I was on vacation. Fortunately, in the summer, I’d met a woman who told me about Dr. Singh and I set up an appointment. I'm happy to say that perfume doesn't bother me all anymore. It's incredible to have a problem that's controlled my life for 30 years be gone. What a relief! Another amazing thing that's improved is my joints. For at least the last 20, I've had achy joints. Sometimes my knees hurt so bad it was hard to walk but most of the time my whole body ached. Every morning I'd get up, stretch and take a hot shower for relief. Now, the ahces are 90% gone and I just feel rested when I wake up. This is a blessing in my life and I am grateful. You have my permission to share this testimonial with others.”

Debbie, age 55, Northern Ohio

“Initially, I came in with severe PMS issues, and after addressing, wanted to do more to improve my overall health. It has certainly been a journey and I feel better than I have ever felt in my life. Like many people, I didn't know how good I was supposed to feel. I'm energized, my complexion is brighter, my acne is better, and my weight is manageable. Dr. Singh has been an absolute godsend. She has been so kind and caring and she is personally invested in our health and progress. She is committed to her profession and learning as much as she can about new ideas and techniques. Dr. Singh goes above and beyond to make sure that we have everything we need. We are eternally grateful for her.”

K.S., age 35, Cincinnati, OH

“I initally came in tired and feeling run down, gaining weight, getting lots of flus and colds that I typically did not get in past years as they were occurring with greater frequency. Since working with Dr. Singh, my health has improved. I’ve not been sick with a cold or flu and I have more energy. Dr. Singh has a very nurturing energy and is a caring and compassionate practitioner.”

Nancy, age 56, Cincinnati, OH

“Initially came in to get help with asthma. Other symptoms were hay fever, indigestion, migraine headaches, sleeping issues, anxiety, and depression.  I was getting allergy shots and taking a steroid inhaler with no improvement. I was taking several medications for indigestion to cope with the issue. Basically I was taking medications for each issue to cope. The medications have many side effects to deal with. Since working with Dr. Singh, the asthma symptoms have significantly improved along with hayfever. The migraine headaches are pretty much gone. I have minimized the need for sleep aids. I am able to stay awake during the day, focus and concentrate better, and have a better outlook on life. I have been dealing with a lot of these symptoms for several years. I never thought I would be able to be rid from any of these symptoms. It has been a very positive experience. My advice is to be open-minded and patient.”

Ken, age 46, Cincinnati, OH

“I was dealing with heartburn and acid reflux, using the bathroom after, and also had sinus issues. I managed with pepto bismol and over the counter sinus meds. After working with Dr. Singh, I no longer have heartburn or acid reflux after eating pizza or other aggravating foods. I suffered with this for over 10 years. I no longer have to keep pepto bismol at arms length reach She is very professional. It works. Stick with it.”

Eddie, age 35, Cincinnati, OH

“...Dr. Singh is professional and easy to understand. For the first appointment, she set aside at least an hour of time. She explored all the important aspects that no other doctor cared to explore. She has an extensive knowledge of nutrition and is a valuable resource of information. We are so blessed to have found Dr. Singh. Thank you Dr. Singh!”

J.W., Indianapolis, IN

“…I was born into a family of roller-coaster health. My weight has always been a problem—a constant battle. [This] approach to health by using a healthy diet (not reducing) has truly changed my life. I lost 30 lbs (update: now more than 50 lbs) and my knees feel better; my feet feel better; my whole self feels better. Certainly, the cosmetic change is gratifying, but also my general health is better (blood pressure remains down)…I truly believe in this whole system.”

Fran, age 75, Cincinnati, OH

“I was taking Prilosec (stomach problems) and Fluoxetine (anxiety) every day. Without Prilosec, I would up for hours at night vomiting and in such severe pain. Dr. Singh has helped me resolve my issues, and I am now off both medications. Heartburn is almost nonexistent thanks to Dr. Singh’s knowledge of what to treat and to help my body recover. My anxiety is manageable with simple coping skills. She exceeded my expectations. It empowered me to correct the core problem, not just treat the symptoms.”

Candi, age 37, Cincinnati, OH

I came in with joint pain, arthritis, foggy memory and headaches. I had tried chiropractic adjustments, had 2 bladder surgeries, a hysterectomy and 3 breast biopsies. I had pain in my hands and swelling. Since I’m a musician, my profession was being affected. [After working with Dr. Singh,] now I play with no pain. My memory has improved, and I feel more confident, and my headaches are less frequent. I am very appreciative.

Lin, age 62, Cincinnati, OH

Submitting a Testimonial

If you would like to submit a testimonial, please submit as you feel inspired::

Some questions to help you get started:

What were your initial complaints? Why did you seek consultation with Dr. Singh? Describe any previous methods of health care (medications, therapies, surgeries, lab work, etc), and what were the results?

How has Dr. Singh helped you? How has your health changed? How have the improvements impacted your life?

Did Dr. Singh meet your expectations? What would you say to others considering consulting with Dr. Singh?

Other comments about your experience with Dr. Singh…feel free to write as much or as little as you’d like…

Thank you for writing a testimonial. I deeply appreciate you for taking the time. By sharing your experience in writing, it allows others to gain confidence and enthusiasm in the health consulting and therapeutic protocols that they will be undertaking.

It can be shared completely anonymously. Please indicate if you prefer first name only, initials only, or whatever way you prefer. Once again, Thank You!
