
Get in touch.

Email Dr. Singh at

Her response time is generally 1-2 business days, and often sooner than that.

If you live local to Dr Singh, and prefer Telehealth sessions due to pandemic or any other reason, this can be arranged.


Some supplements are available to order here. You are more than welcome to order if you’re not a client, and can email me to order supplements not available there.

Book an

To schedule a session, please email Dr. Singh and kindly include your reasons for scheduling, who referred you, and if you would like to schedule a Personalized Health Consulting session, or a Telephone Conversation.

Education &
Speaking Inquiry

If you are considering hiring Dr. Singh to support your group/team, please email her with some information about your goals and vision for your group/team, and to set up a time to schedule a conversation.

Mentoring Inquiry

Please email Dr. Singh and let her know in what areas of your practice you’re seeking guidance, and what kind of support you’re looking for.