September 2023 Edit: This website is in the process of being modified.

At this time, Dr Singh is pausing on accepting new clients and is in process of restructuring her way of working to include the time, spaciousness and containment required for this deeper alchemy.

Case fees will start at $5k. This includes Telehealth sessions via zoom.

If you would like to be alerted, please email. Thanks for your patience.


What is Health Consulting?

“Health Consulting” is the paradigm from which I provide my services and offerings. Please see Services to see all that’s offered. Personalized Health Consulting is my current main mode of being in service.

As a personal health consultant, advocate, educator, and healing facilitator, I participate on your health team in helping you to become more empowered around your health, and in your appointments with your doctors and practitioners, as you determine your health plan to be not just adequate, but exemplary!

Working as a Healer + Educator is my sacred work, and so I created a paradigm from which to work in which we have time and space together, and where my energy + gifts are being used with the client, rather than managing a high volume practice. In this way, we leave no stone unturned, I can be the most potent version of myself for you, and we stay open to the alchemy that can occur.

I listen for as long as you need. I may share what types of care are available that may benefit you. I may offer suggestions, recommendations, resources, therapeutic protocols and treatment options for your problems. You can then discuss these options with your personal physician and caregivers, and undertake any recommendations under their supervision.

Consultation is for educational purposes, as I am no longer a managing care physician. I no longer provide exams, diagnostics, treatments, or order tests myself, but can comment on tests + labs, and also make suggestions on what tests to order. Please see disclaimer to understand more.

I am honored to work with clients in this way, with laser focus and deep sight, and see how far they come. Sessions are usually 60-90 minutes, (rather than my old paradigm of 15 min appts in a high volume setting), and it opens up space for a more meaningful conversation, as our time together allows for us to get into deeper spaces, and to also have time to get into the education for more self-sovereignty, empowerment, and intentionality with health and healing.

How do I schedule an initial session?

You can email me at with the reason(s) for wanting to schedule, along with who referred you. I will send time options for you to choose from, and direct you on how to send payment (required at the time of scheduling to confirm.) Once payment is received, it goes on my calendar.

I will confirm the appointment with you and from there, will send you a very thorough email with instructions, including intake questionnaires and informed consent for you to email back to me 72 hours prior to your session.

How do I schedule follow-up sessions?

It’s the same process as the initial session. Email me to request an appointment with windows of time that can work for you. I’ll reply with session time and request confirmation.

What are your rates, and what forms of payment do you accept?

My fee is $300/hour, with pro-rated $75/15 minutes thereafter.  Payment is due at time of scheduling as part of confirmation of appointment. I accept payment via Venmo, PayPal and Zelle.  Initial is 90 minutes ($450), and Follow-up is usually 60 minutes ($300), unless you specify that you’d like to schedule for longer.

Do you provide receipts with diagnostic codes to submit to my insurance, Flexible Spending Account (FSA), or Health Savings Account (HSA)?

No, as I am no longer in a role as a managing care physician. As a Health Consultant, I play a different role on your health team, as an educator and facilitator in your healing and wellness journey.

If you have a HSA/FSA, I hope that you can legitimately deduct these expenses, however, this is between you and your HSA/FSA, as I cannot provide that guarantee.

Do you work with children?

At this time, I do not work directly with children.  However, if you would like to schedule a Telephone Conversation to discuss your child, we can arrange for this. I have extensive experience working with children, as a very large portion of my former practice was working with children of all ages (newborns to teens.) I am happy to be a listening ear and to give my input.

I’d like to schedule a Telephone Conversation with you. How does that work?

You can email me at, and let me know you’d like to schedule a Telephone Conversation for 30 min ($150), 45 min ($225) or 60 min($300). I will send time options and directions on how to send payment. Once payment is received, and you pick a time option, we are confirmed. Preparation simply involves sending back a consent form, and a brief questionnaire. I’ll call at the scheduled time, and we can dive in!

A Little Deeper.

How do I know if this is a good fit for me?

It could be a good match if you are: 

  • committed to yourself and your health

  • love learning about the body, mind, spirit, and energetic systems

  • intentionally participate in your health and well-being

  • possibly have a tough spot in your health that hasn’t been resolved yet, and want to get another view of it

  • are fully fluent in the English language (I rely heavily on dialogue in English to do this work) 

  • open to the alchemy and epiphanies that can occur

You can also see testimonials and read about what others have experienced with me, read through the site, and discern if it feels like a good match for you.

What is it like to work with you and what can I expect by doing so?

Many people report feeling a sense of more groundedness and reassurance as they navigate through their health journey. They report appreciating how accurate and specific my “tune-ins” are, and are grateful to know what to prioritize with regards to regimens and body/energy systems to support. They also appreciate that it’s an empowered way of approaching health and healing, and they fully get to participate as much or as little as they want, as all participation is voluntary. It’s the client's session, so they help guide me in letting me know their needs, wants, and desires, whilst also staying open to me being a visionary and seeing the potential for what could be. 

What do I do after a session with you?

Rest, Integrate, & Apply what you learned as you wish to.

There is truth in the old adage that “knowledge is power”. However, in this Information Age, where knowledge is available at our fingertips, and easier to acquire than ever before, I have found that “Applied Knowledge is Power” to be even more applicable and true, as the intention taken to apply and embody knowledge brings in clarity, wisdom + connection with self. Guidance + counsel from within comes through.

How often are sessions recommended?

This is entirely up to you! You will likely receive guidance and recommendations from me on when it may be a good time to reconnect, however, since this is not a “managed care” model, and rather, we partner to determine what’s a good fit, based on your schedule, your goals, and your resources, you can decide what’s appropriate for you.

Some clients have scheduled just once or twice, gotten what they needed in support, education, or their “eureka” moment with me, and then continue on working with their amazing healthcare providers and local team. Some clients want to connect every 2-6 months and keep the conversation going, as they continue to refine, and also manage life’s curveballs. And others are working through sequencing themselves through more intense protocols, and prefer scheduling every 4-8 weeks at the onset, as they seek guidance and support to get through some gnarlier health challenges.

It’s really up to you, and the conversation stays fluid, as your own brilliance through your evolution guides you.

If I need to touch base with you briefly after a session for more guidance or coaching, can we do that?

Yes, just email me, and we can set time for a phone call. If you’d like 30 min ($150) or 45 min ($225), we can arrange for this. Same process. Pick a time from the options, send payment, and then appointment is confirmed.

Can I schedule for longer follow-up sessions (90 min or 120 min)?

Yes, of course! Just let me know when emailing me that you’d like to schedule for a longer session. This allows us more time together to get into deeper layers and do some rich work together, and it’s my honor to serve in this capacity.

Former Patients.

If you used to work with me back when I was in practice in my clinic setting, these FAQs may be relevant for you:

I used to be a patient with you and am considering scheduling. What’s changed?

First of all, Welcome! It would be so lovely to reconnect!

I explained much about my new paradigm in the very first question at the top of this page. Some of the elements that are different are that I’m doing my own administrative work via email, I will refer to you as a “client” rather than a “patient”, and I work with just a few clients a week with longer appointment times, rather than having a high volume set up with short appointment times. The biggest change is that time allotted for follow up sessions is one hour (or longer, if you so desire), and the potential for even deeper work together. I’ve always provided very high quality of care, and prided myself on this. That quality of caring deeply is still there. Now you’ll get an even more refined and potent version of me, as I’ve learned and experienced even more since my time in practice. I work in different layers and can address the epigenetics of trauma, and not just the epigenetics of nutrition, and can also address even more around the biophysics of healing, and not just the biochemistry, so I have refined the recommendations I make around lifestyle and supplements (hopefully, not needing so many).

Why the change in paradigm?

After working in a more traditional practice setting for about a decade, including running and managing my own wait-list practice for the majority of that time, it became clear that there were resources missing for people on a deeper, more involved health journey. Even back then, I ached to slow down and provide deeper healing sessions, and also to provide more meaningful education beyond educational handouts, packets, email newsletters, “going over” appointment times with patients in taking time to listen more as each of our lives is so nuanced, and then providing suggestions accordingly, and the occasional educational presentation, which really helped catapult people into more self-reliance with changes in lifestyle. It was really wonderful to see this empowerment. It was important for me back then to help patients see more for themselves and their families, and to become less reliant on visits to my office. I never expected to get so busy or even become a primary provider for many families. It was an incredible honor. I loved seeing the light bulbs go on in patients’ eyes as they finally understood what was going on with their health and/or their child’s health, and how intentional they could be about it.

Simultaneously, the responsibility I felt to disseminate the knowledge I had acquired and continued to acquire (as I am a “seminar junkie”+ a voracious reader/researcher) felt burdensome as I felt a greater sense of duty, as I knew in certain cases, that no matter how many supplements I recommended out of my enormous dispensary, or how many appointments for various treatments that someone had made, that these lifestyle changes were imperative (especially as our world has gotten even more sickeningly toxic and poisonous), along with addressing emotional toxicity and spiritual blocks to healing, as this work on our inner terrain is also imperative in persistent, chronic conditions. It’s all connected.

Meanwhile, the busier I got in practice, the more my own health ailed, though the force of denial was strong for some time, and then the day came that I abruptly needed to close my doors. Through my own extreme and harrowing health journey where I had been deathly ill a few times, this lesson hit home for me too in an even more profound way, as I saw how much I had to do for myself at home to support myself, and at some points, even just survive. I saw many practitioners and healers, as I tried to navigate in my confusion and desperation, and I wasn’t getting comprehensive answers or resolve. Most were helpful as I received their support and care (for which I am extremely grateful), and maybe even provided some temporary relief, but nothing to really pull me out of the immense symptomatology + suffering for any prolonged period of time, despite their best efforts. With others, it was an important stop on my health journey, and helped me get from disabled to dysfunctional at best, but still not quite comprehensive, as I was nowhere close to functional or healthy. And then of course, there were appointments in some offices that left me feeling defeated and even more lost. I was trying so hard to get well, and yet it would feel completely demoralizing at times, as I either stayed about the same, or even got much worse at times. The waves of this deep suffering + symptomatology due to illness would come and go, and I did have some good days, but was still very much dysfunctional and debilitated for big chunks of time. I was also managing the panic and terror (amongst the myriad of other emotions) that would overcome me at times, as I lost control of my body + health, and lost any sense of certainty, all of which has been incredibly humbling. This opened up a deeper spiritual aspect to my healing journey. I didn’t have a diagnosis for many years, and even once I did, solution options were very limited in the conventional world (and left me in even worse health), and very varied in the alternative world. I experienced that it would continue to take a whole team, but now would require even more refinement and precision, as I navigated my options. I also recognized that healing would require an even deeper commitment to myself, including redefining what “self-care” really meant.

I was going to have to learn to heal myself and be my own advocate. There was no other choice. Through this initiation of the Wounded Healer: Healer, Heal Thyself, this illness began a deeper, transformative journey, and it has been an incredible odyssey on many layers. As I’ve come out of the shadows now, I choose to practice in a way that helps others advocate for themselves and participate in their own healing.  As a Health Consultant, I can use my expertise as a clinician, my passion for education, and my gift as a healer to facilitate the transformation my clients wish to see in their health and well-being. 

In keeping myself sustainable, I work with a few clients a week, as I continue my daily self-care practices to keep my energy system intact, and also to work on educational resources (this is a deep calling and passion project) for those who are unable to access facilitators such as myself.

Can I still order blood work and other tests or labs through you?

I no longer order these, as I’m not a managing care practitioner. Clients who work with me ask me what I recommend that they order, and I give them info on what panels and tests would provide some good data. You can order through your physician or online direct labs, and then send to me if you’d like for me to take a look as part of an upcoming appointment.

Do you still use the same techniques and modalities that you used to use?

I have built on them over time. I stand on the shoulders of my teachers + mentors, and have immense gratitude and respect for what they’ve taught me and how I’ve been able to apply their teachings, techniques, and wisdoms. Rather than staying in the dogma of practicing certain techniques solely or “by the book”, I have built on them and combine approaches based on what I see to be fit. I had already begun to do this back when I was in practice, hence producing amazing results + outcomes in a short time, as I stacked modalities, and since that time, have continued to refine. I’ve seen various limitations with various techniques in our ever-changing world, and so I stay flexible and fluid, always staying open, combining modalities, and work from a place of prioritizing and sequencing for client, to get them to their personal goals in the most efficient way.

Over time, it has continued to evolve, as I see what works for clients, notice patterns with various conditions, and paying attention to the frightening trends with the ever-growing toxicity of our environment, which are affecting each of us. In my personal experience, modalities that worked extremely effectively 5, 10 or 15 years ago don’t work the same way today in producing lasting effects and outcomes. Through my own extreme health journey, I also experienced some major limitations with certain modalities. So I’ve stayed on the growth edge in continuing to learn with the pioneers, and helping clients prioritize what I believe to be necessary, as I combine methods in collecting data, energetic analysis in using energetic biofeedback techniques, and making solid recommendations personalized to client, which also includes referrals to trusted practitioners, as complex issues are usually multi-factorial.
