September 2023 Edit: This website is in the process of being modified.

At this time, Dr Singh is pausing on accepting new clients and is in process of restructuring her way of working to include the time, spaciousness and containment required for this deeper alchemy.

Case fees will start at $5k. This includes Telehealth sessions via zoom.

If you would like to be alerted, please email. Thanks for your patience.

Dr. Singh works from an intuitive place with abundant expertise as a licensed clinician.  She has the ability to energetically “tune in” using energetic biofeedback techniques (even through video call), can make recommendations, and help you take control of your health and reach your goals.  

Each session, in partnership with you, is tailored and curated with the intention of providing tremendous value to your healthcare approach. 

Initial Session is scheduled for 90 minutes, and follow-up sessions are scheduled for 60 minutes or longer.

What you can expect in an INITIAL 90-minute session:

  • In advance of your appointment

    • Review of your intake questionnaires and health history

    • Overview of any pertinent and recent blood work, labs, reports, scans, etc. (If you don’t have any recent blood labs to submit—that’s okay. There’s still plenty to work with, and you may want her recommendation for panels.)

    • Establishing the psychodynamic field from which to work

  • Time together

    • Connecting Telehealth or In-person

      • Telehealth connecting via Zoom video conference call

      • In-person, connecting in her office (Cincinnati, Ohio)

    • A conversational process of gathering more history and deepening understanding of current ailments and health goals

    • Energetic biofeedback scan to identify areas that may need support, suggestions to support those areas, collect other relevant data

    • Answering questions, connecting dots, and discussing suggestions

  • After your appointment (for zoom clients)

    • Follow- up email with notes listed for recommendations, resources, and suggestions.

What you can expect for FOLLOW-UP 60-minute sessions:

  • Very similar to initial session and continuing to sequence as needed, or continuing the conversation.

  • If continuing to work together over time, the work can get deeper as more emerges and gets revealed. Dr. Singh can help you work through these deeper layers, recommending modalities best suited to your needs.


  • Dr. Singh’s rate is $300/hour. Payment is due at time of scheduling in order to confirm appointment.

  • Initial session: $450 for 90 minutes

  • Follow-up sessions: $300 for 60 minutes

  • Additional time, pro-rated: $75 for15 minutes

    • to continue session past allotted time, if schedule permits

    • to decipher labs through a functional chemistry lens in advance to follow-up session

    • ongoing email support (beyond brief, clarifying questions…please don’t hesitate to email with quick questions or for clarity)

    • phone conversation

Please see FAQs to learn more about scheduling, payment and contact.



“As I shared my story, she was kind and compassionate with a knowledge base unlike any I’ve experienced… Forever, I will be grateful that I reached out to Dr. Singh during this transformative time in my life.”

“Dr. Singh has a very kind and calm way of interacting and I have never felt rushed. She is extremely thorough, knowledgeable and supportive….”

“She is such a profound healer, capable of getting into the intricate "nooks and crannies" that regular science just doesn't seem to be able to reach…”

“Dr. Singh has a warm personality, a calming energy, and an approach that is not only unique in that it caters to my specific needs as an individual, but also in that it incorporates all aspects of personal well-being (physical, mental and emotional). She is very knowledgeable and resourceful, and has incredible insight into areas of overall personal health and nutrition… Working with Dr. Singh has made all the difference. I feel incredibly lucky and blessed to have worked with her!”

“Dr. Singh is unbelievably talented. You won’t regret seeking her advice.”

“Her ability to communicate with my body and let it lead my health journey is profound. Her recommendations are gentle, generous, and completely tailored to my needs, priorities, values, and goals. I’m so appreciative of her sight into the root of an issue - and finding solutions that will be long lasting and sustainable…

I highly recommend Dr. Singh to anyone who knows there is a greater level of health and wellbeing possible for them that they have not been able to access. Dr. Singh is the trusted guide you have been looking for. She will help you make what you seek for yourself a reality. ”

To schedule an appointment

Email Dr. Singh at and let her know who referred you, and what areas you would like support with.