Dr. Singh can guide and provide support to dental patients who prefer an integrated approach.

She provides support to dental patients who are undergoing the following: 

  • Treatment for Periodontal disease

  • Amalgam removal

  • Biological extraction (Holistic extraction) 

  • Cavitation surgery

  • Bone Graft

  • Dental Implants

Health and healing can require a multi-faceted approach, whether looking to prevent degenerative diseases and conditions, or in actively healing complex, chronic illness, such as autoimmune or Lyme. Much is happening in the mouth that can have systemic implications, and much is happening systemically that can have implications in the mouth.

Once unburdened, tremendous healing potential is unlocked. Some modalities that may be incorporated through Dr. Singh’s Dental Support include clinical nutrition, detoxification + drainage remedies, binders, and anti-microbial support to name a few. It is possible to come through these procedures with more ease and speedier healing.

If you would like a “red carpet approach” in supporting yourself through your dental procedure, Dr. Singh is able to guide you through this. 

Dr. Singh can provide: 

  • Guidance with pre-op and post-op protocols as you anticipate dental surgery and want to help support speedier wound healing + recovery

  • Bone growth support for after cavitation surgery or preparing for implant surgery, or to enhance bone graft procedures

  • Support with preparing prior to amalgam removal with sequencing binders and other supports to help prevent flares or complications connected to metals, and support in the weeks/months following removal in connection to systemic health

  • Overall systemic support as you undergo any procedure

  • Options for periodontal disease

To learn more about rates and scheduling with Dr. Singh, please visit the Personalized Health Consulting page. When emailing to schedule, please include which dentist referred you, and what procedure you would like to be supported through.


To schedule an appointment

Email Dr. Singh at and let her know who referred you, and what areas you would like support with.