Throughout her ongoing health journey, Dr. Singh has cultivated a thorough and multi-faceted understanding of therapeutic beauty techniques. She is a firm believer that beauty is more than just skin deep, and that true beauty and radiance flows from a place of deep inner well-being.

Whether you are 25 or 95, Dr. Singh can introduce you to daily self care rituals that can facilitate a sense of self-love by tapping into the innate beauty inherent to every human being that walks this planet. She can introduce you to custom oil blends, lifestyle recommendations, high quality supplements, and self-care practices that are specific to your particular constitution. Combining her thorough physiological understanding with her deep knowledge of feminine archetypes, Dr. Singh will work with you to create a beauty routine that is uniquely yours. While she does work from a feminine beauty perspective, any form of gender expression is welcome in her practice.

If you are interested in working with Dr. Singh from a Therapeutic Beauty perspective, please indicate this in your appointment request. She is also open to workshop requests either in person or via Zoom. She encourages clients to reach out with specific questions or thoughts around therapeutic beauty topics. There will be more to come, so please keep an eye out for future developments!



“Within a short period of time, I could see a difference in my symptoms. My mood steadied and I started tapping into another part of myself that included creative expression, a shifting identity as a woman and an increasingly stabilized sense of inner power and strength. It's a journey and she intuitively understands this. ”

“ Dr. Singh guided me through the changes and helped me understand all the wonderful things that I began to experience almost immediately. My sleep was deeper, the extra fluff around my midsection began to shrink, I began to feel more focused and less anxious. I noticed positive changes in my strength and stamina too.”

“She’s been such a tremendous help and support (and joy) to me! I’ve also noticed that I’m more relaxed and take things more in stride like I used to (more than 20 years ago), and my shoulders suddenly remember they don’t need to be hunched over as if to protect my heart from more heartache. I’m lighter-hearted, weight is coming off (not sure how much, but clothes are fitting more loosely), and more optimistic.”

To schedule an appointment

Email Dr. Singh at and let her know who referred you, and what areas you would like support with.