Educating, Illuminating &
Facilitating Transformation


Singh Health Consulting is a unique practice combining Dr. Singh’s intuitive lens and passion for ongoing learning, with her breadth of experience as a holistic physician.

Working with clients throughout the world, Dr. Damandeep K. Singh, D.C. applies her expertise to an array of health issues ranging from preventative care to complex, chronic illness by providing guidance in applying practical and sensible approaches towards vibrant health and self-sovereignty.

Dr. Singh has over 18 years of clinical experience, and has completed hundreds upon hundreds of hours of continuing education in various topics, staying on the cutting edge. She uses her clinical expertise, her passion for education, and her gift as a healer to help facilitate transformation with her clients.


“Dr. Singh is the most caring, competent integrative health practitioner that I know. I had been seeing other practitioners who just weren’t getting the results I had been looking for. She has helped me in so many ways, I couldn’t begin to list them all.”—N.N.

“I was amazed by her ability to immediately tune into what was happening to my body and provide exactly what I needed to put me on a path to healing and wholeness…She has also been able to help me emotionally and mentally through a very challenging and critical time in my life…I now feel balanced, whole and energized. I am able to sleep well and enjoy my life fully. Dr. Singh is truly gifted!”—M.L.

“She is such a profound healer, capable of getting into the intricate "nooks and crannies" that regular science just doesn't seem to be able to reach…If you're at all uncertain about what ails you, I highly encourage you to seek Daman's guidance; she is quite proficient at what she does…” —L.A.

“Her ability to communicate with my body and let it lead my health journey is profound. Her recommendations are gentle, generous, and completely tailored to my needs, priorities, values, and goals. I’m so appreciative of her sight into the root of an issue – and finding solutions that will be long lasting and sustainable…I highly recommend Dr. Singh to anyone who knows there is a greater level of health and wellbeing possible for them that they have not been able to access. Dr. Singh is the trusted guide you have been looking for..” —K.M.

“Dr. Singh is a gifted doctor, healer and educator. She looks at the whole human being, not merely symptoms, to prioritize and individualize protocols to unleash health and well-being. I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone who is seeking a wholesome and multi-dimensional approach to healing.” —E.M.D.


Dr. Singh has extensive experience in supporting:

Longevity + Healthy Aging

  • Prevention Support (autoimmune, cognitive decline, dementia and other neurodegenerative conditions)

  • Brain Health (cognition, clarity, memory)

  • Bone Health (osteopenia, osteoporosis, slow healing from fractures)

  • Joint Health + Mobility

  • Liver + Kidney Support

  • Detoxification + Drainage

  • Metabolic Syndrome/Diabesity/NAFLD

  • Cellular + Mitochondrial Health

  • General Well-being

Overall Health + Wellness

  • Immunity (stealth infections, recurrent infections, chronic infections, allergies)

  • Weight Loss + Weight Management

  • Sleep issues, Insomnia

  • Mental Wellness (anxiety, depression, irritability, low mood, low capacity for stress)

  • Brain Fog, Brain Health (cognition, memory, clarity)

  • Cardiovascular Health (cholesterol/lipids, high blood pressure, arrhythmias)

  • Fatigue, Exhaustion, Tired + Wired, Malaise, Lethargy

  • General Wellness, including deciphering blood test reports through a functional chemistry lens

Gastrointestinal Health

  • IBS, IBD, Crohn’s, Colitis, SIBO, SIFO

  • Bloating

  • Gas

  • Diarrhea

  • Constipation

  • Acid Reflux, Heartburn, Indigestion

  • Liver + Gallbladder Support

  • Pancreas Support

Hormone Health

  • PMS, Cycling issues

  • Perimenopause + Menopause

  • Andropause, Low T

  • Thyroid

  • Adrenal

  • Blood Sugar Imbalances (cortisol dysregulation and/or insulin resistance)

Emotional + Spiritual Health

  • Working with Your Archetypes

  • Understanding your unique Energy Systems through various lenses

  • Astrology

  • Human Design

  • Enneagram

  • Morphogenetic field

  • Subtle bodies

Complex, Chronic Illness

  • Persistent, Chronic Lyme + co-infections

  • Autoimmune

  • Heavy Metal Toxicity

  • Mast Cell Activation

  • Allergy cascade symptoms, sensitivities and intolerances

  • Mitochondrial Dysfunction

  • Post-viral syndrome and long hauler symptoms

Not only does Dr. Singh help support her clients at the physical, physiological, and energetic levels, she also can help address layers at the emotional and spiritual levels, including trans-generational ancestral trauma, limiting beliefs + limiting decisions, cellular memory, biophysics of healing, and more…

Passionate. Diligent. Experienced.

Explore the different ways to work with Dr. Singh

Whether working together in-person, or virtually through Telehealth session, Dr. Singh’s services are dynamic and responsive to the needs of her clients…